
Upskilling and/or starting a new career pathway is something that Ostara Australia can help with.
Ostara Australia can provide information about different career paths, training, and upskilling
options, and how to find work.
People decide to change careers for any number of reasons, including:

  • A better work-life balance to support their mental health
  • Wanting a new or different challenges
  •  Increase in wages
  • being unsettled or unhappy in their current job

If you decide to move your career down a different path, there is a range of steps and options to
consider, like:

  • understanding your current job strengths and how they might be used elsewhere
  • retraining and upskilling
  • getting familiar with different job markets
  • enhancing your soft skills and refreshing your employability skills.
  • how to make your resume, cover letter and interview align with the job you want.
  • what rights, conditions and obligations to be aware of when accepting a job offer

Identifying your strong points and being aware of any gaps in your skills and experience can help
plan a direction you’d like your career to take and shape your future opportunities.
Ostara Australia can help support you to set goals and work towards the plans for the future for

  • Identify Your Goals – identify your end goal and what you want to do.
  • Find Your Knowledge Gaps – do you need further training for the job you want
  • Formulate an Action Plan – time frames, requirements, resources.
  • Learn New Skills – we can assist you in locating reputable training organisations that can
    provide retraining opportunities.
  • Act on your New Skills – we can assist you to find the job you want.
  • Stay Adaptable – the work force is always changing and so are you. We provide support to
    help you navigate through the challenges in your new role.


myfuture –

It aims to captures your interests, skills, education and training experience to build a career profile
and pathways to possible occupations.

My Skills –

If it’s time to change your career, My Skills can help you find the right qualification to open doors
into new industry sectors. It’s an Australian Government initiative where you can search for
Vocational Education Training (VET) qualifications and compare information such as fees and course
duration and available subsidies.

Skills Match –

Skills Match is an interactive online tool from Job Outlook. It helps identify how your existing skills
can be transferred to new employment options.
Skills Match lists a broad selection of abilities and expertise, broken down into various categories,
associated with these with these past jobs and outlines a range of new job ideas that use similar skills for you to